Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hihi kor !

Alohaaaa ! This is Janice, & I'm here in order to help Chester update his blog .
Ha ha . How good am I :D:D LOL .
But I'm sleepy now GK , so this post will be kinda short kay . Sorry yeaa .

Chester is doing great and his life still goes on wolfteam-ing .
And GK still loves Donut ! And ice-cream(?) 8D
Hm what else ar ? Exam is coming and Chester is studying . HA HA .
JY in mid term GK :)

And btw GK got a new yo-yo ! Flying panda fuiiyorh xD
He is back to the yo-yo world now ( I guess )

Ha ha so cute 8D
& it reminds me of Pandaren ha ha .

K la GK , I needa stop here . I am so crappy and I couldn't even make a sentence straight now . LOL . This is so wrong and its because I'm so , damn , freaking . . tired . Sleepy . & uninspired . *yawns I needa sleep , now . Good night ! And I hope you will like this post , anyway .

Loves , GM


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